Portugal não é a Grécia

Apesar de tudo, o nosso país continua a ser atractivo para o investimento estrangeiro. Se não, leia-se esta opinião de um perito norte-americano: «Going forward, the economic forecast for Portugal is for a return to positive growth this year, in contrast to the further declines projected for Greece, Spain, and Ireland. Portugal did not suffer from a housing bubble, like Spain and Ireland. Its banking system is sound. Productivity growth is above the EU average, which should improve the economy’s competitiveness and help Portuguese firms take advantage of the weaker euro. The government has been carrying out a number of structural reforms. The government has a responsible program in its 2010 budget for reversing the recent fiscal deterioration. Further restrictive fiscal steps will be necessary in 2011 and 2012. Polls indicate that the government seems to have the needed support of a strong majority of the population to continue with responsible fiscal policies.». Continua aqui.

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A crise moral

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